MCRE Audio

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The Best Headphones for Sleep and Relaxation

When it comes to headphones for sleep and relaxation, it is certainly a different ball game to a standard set of headphones for ‘awake’ listening. After all, quality and dynamics issues aside, you need to be able to actually move your head freely while you’re sleeping, and a bulky set of headphones simply won’t work for most people.

Whilst I was once desperate, and badly needed to get some quiet sleep, and only had a pair of JBL Audio Noise Cancelling, full sized headphones (JBL 660NC), which work really well by the way, when wearing them, I had to lie flat on my back and not turn my head as they are quite bulky and would cause discomfort after nudging the pillow.

However, for a great noise cancelling effect in a noisy environment, I was able to fall asleep without any issue and was very grateful for them. More so, listening to music when I’m fully awake is a fantastic experience with them as well.

However, getting back to the sleep issue, it is generally a better idea to use suitable headphones for sleeping if you are looking for a set that will work for you while trying to sleep and listen to mediation music, relaxation tracks or binaural beats, etc.

Styles of Headphones for Sleep and Relaxation

As I mentioned, the type or style of headphone that you use is essential to being comfortable while sleeping and also, will help you to get the best rest possible for you.

I know that emergency situations can inspire us to be creative, but let’s look at more suitable types of headphones for our sleep use.

There are in-ear models, that may be wired or wireless, using a blue tooth style technology, or even headbands and pillow speakers.

I will highlight the types below in this article to give you a greater understanding of the choice available to you.

Pillow Style Headphones

The pillow style of headphone is pictured below.

This type of speaker rests either under your pillow, or in the pillow case and playsaudio through the pillow or case to you.

It is not the highest quality stereo set up but will certainly work, as being better than nothing at all.

It is also one of the cheapest set ups for a sleeping speaker.

Wired Style Sleeping Headphones

The next type of unit to consider is the headset that is wired and in ear such as the below example.

Wireless Blue Tooth Sleeping headphones

The next set of headphones for sleeping are the blue tooth style.

The benefit here is that there are no hindrances with trailing wires that can be pulled, tangled or otherwise get in the way.

These wireless blue tooth headphones fit either in ear or via a band that is placed over the head.

As you can tell from the short article above, there are a number of solutions for your need to have quiet listening, with uninterrupted sleep from bulky headphones and still get a great audio result.

I regularly sleep with audio in my ears, from quality headphones that allow me to sleep comfortably and still complete my mediation.

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me.

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